Where is Eloy?
Eloy is located along Interstate 10 about halfway between Phoenix and Tucson (60-65 miles).
How do I become a member of the Eloy Fire District?
To begin with, please visit the careers tab of this website to review the qualifications. Kindly complete the application form and submit it to us. Our hiring process is based on the current needs of the district. Potential candidates will be expected to go through a cultural interview, successfully pass a written test and physical agility test, complete practical stations, participate in an intern academy, and undergo oral board interviews. Only after being recommended for hire, candidates will be required to undergo a comprehensive physical and psychological examination, as well as pass a driving history and criminal background check.
What kind of training do I need to be hired?
At this time we are only accepting applications from those with Arizona State certified fire II and EMT certification. Information on employment can be obtained by calling our Human Resources office at (520) 466-3544 or visiting the careers tab of our website.
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