SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
- Call to order and confirmation of quorum. A meeting of the Board was called to order by Board Chairperson Belinda Akes at the Eloy Fire District Administration office, located at 4010 N. Toltec Road, Eloy, Arizona at 1800 hours on Monday, September 12, 2022. A quorum was confirmed with four members present: Edward Sauceda, Tom Cortez, Toni Lorona Carlson, and Belinda Akes. Board members Tom Cortez and Edward Sauceda attended remotely.
- Pledge of allegiance. Board Chair Belinda Akes led the pledge of allegiance.
- Call to the Public: No members of the public addressed the board.
- Consent Agenda:
- A. Minutes of the regular district meeting on August 8, 2022.
- B. Financial Statements.
- C. Approval of Warrants.
- Fire Chief Kelly Weddle provided the Board Members with a recap of the financial activity to date for this fiscal year. The Board reviewed the Minutes, Financial Statements, and Warrant List. MOTION made by Toni Lorona Carlson to approve the Consent Agenda Items A, B, and C. SECONDED by Edward Sauceda. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes: Akes, Lorona Carlson, Sauceda, and Cortez; 0 Nays.
- Executive Session
- None.
- Business
- A. None.
- Reports and Correspondence
- A. Division Chief Report. Division Chief Nate Bailey presented his monthly report.
- B. Fire Chief Report. Fire Chief Kelly Weddle presented his monthly report.
- Future Agenda Items: Possible purchasing approvals due to grant awards, and election of officers in December.
- Adjournment. MOTION made by Toni Lorona Carlson to adjourn. SECONDED by Edward Sauceda. MOTION PASSED (4 Ayes: Akes, Lorona Carlson, Sauceda, and Cortez; 0 Nays). Chairperson Akes adjourned the meeting at 1841 hours.